This is the Evidence Submission Portal to upload footage of dangerous driving incidents to Tasmania Police. PLEASE NOTE: If this is an emergency or life-threatening situation, stop driving and call Triple Zero (000) for help. -If you are reporting a dangerous driving matter that is happening now, or you do not have footage of the incident, stop driving and report it to police by phoning 131 444. -If you are reporting a dangerous driving matter that has occurred at an earlier time, submit digital evidence (including video footage) to police through this portal. -Include the date, time, and location where the evidence was captured in the caption box of your submission. -Also include the registration number of the vehicle/s, if known. -You will be sent a unique web address via SMS for uploading. If the footage is not on your phone, you will need to forward that web address to your PC or type it into the web browser on your PC to upload from your PC. -You may trim the video to the footage showing dangerous driving, but do not convert the file type or edit the video. -If Tasmania Police determines an actionable offence has been committed in the evidence you have submitted, an officer will contact you.